Google Analytics 4 (Beta)

Google Analytics 4 support is currently in beta. Please raise any issues you encounter via the chat bubble in the bottom-right of the site, and we'll be happy to help.


You must enable both the Google Analytics API and the Google Analytics Data API for your project

This may take a few minutes to take effect.


Our Google Analytics 4 integration allows you to import your data; allowing you to clean, transform, and ask questions via Chat Explore.

Importing Data

To import data, first create a new project.

Click the Google Analytics 4 button.

Click the "Connect Dataset" button.

If prompted, click "Sign In With Google" to log in to Google.

If prompted, select which Google User to use.

Be sure to click "Continue" to grant access.

Connect your Google Analytics 4 account.

Enter your Google Analytics 4 details.

To pull in your data, input the following:


You must enable both the Google Analytics API and the Google Analytics Data API for your project

This may take a few minutes to take effect.

  • Property Id: Your Google Analytics 4 Property Id. You may find it here.

  • Start Date: The beginning date for your data extract's date range, in YYYY-MM-DD form. Defaults to 1 January, 2023.

  • End Date: The end of your data extract's date range, in YYYY-MM-DD. Optional (defaults to now).

  • Metrics: Which metrics to pull. You may pull multiple, separated by commas. Defaults to totalUsers, userEngagementDuration.

  • Dimensions: Which dimensions to pull. You may pull multiple, separated by commas. Defaults to landingPage.

When complete, hit submit.

We will then validate the connection.

If we're successful, you'll move forward to the data loading screen, where your data is syncing behind the scenes.

You may need to wait for a little bit for the data to import. Rest assured that we're importing data behind the scenes. Small datasets should only take a few minutes; large datasets may take longer.

Once your data is done importing, you'll see it populate onto the screen.

From here, you can do anything you like to the data - clean and transform it on the Prepare tab, ask Chat Explore questions on the Explore tab, you name it!

Last updated