Chart Types

Chat Explore can be prompted to generate many different charts and visuals. This is a complete list of the different charts that can be generated in Akkio.

Scatter Plots

A scatter plot is a type of graph that displays individual data points plotted on a two-dimensional plane, with each axis representing a different variable. It is used to visualize the relationship between the two variables, identifying patterns, trends, and potential correlations within the dataset.

Line Plots

A line plot displays data points connected by straight lines, illustrating trends over time or continuous variables. It typically includes axes labeled with the variables being measured, a title, and a legend if multiple data series are present.

Area Plots

An area plot is a graph that represents quantitative data with shaded regions under a line, highlighting the magnitude of values over a continuous interval. It emphasizes the cumulative effect of the data series and can be used to show trends over time or compare multiple data series.

Bar Charts

A bar chart uses rectangular bars to represent and compare categorical data, with the length or height of each bar proportional to the data value. It can be oriented horizontally or vertically, with axes labeled to indicate the categories and corresponding values.


A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data, typically displayed as bars, where each bar represents the frequency (count) of data points within a specific range (bin). It provides a visual interpretation of the underlying frequency distribution of a dataset.

Box Plots

A box plot, or whisker plot, is a graphical representation that displays the distribution of a dataset through five summary statistics: minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum. It highlights the spread and skewness of the data, as well as potential outliers.

Violin Plots

A violin plot is a method of plotting numeric data that combines aspects of a box plot and a kernel density plot, showing the distribution, probability density, and variability of the data. It provides a visual summary of the data's distribution, including its central tendency and variability, while also highlighting the density of data points across different values.

3D Scatter Plots

A 3D scatter plot is a graphical representation that displays data points in three-dimensional space, where each axis corresponds to a different variable. It allows for the visualization of the relationships and patterns between three continuous variables, providing insights into potential correlations and clusters within the dataset.

3D Line Plots

A 3D line plot is a graphical representation that depicts data points connected by lines in three-dimensional space, with each axis representing a different variable. It is used to visualize the relationship and trends between three continuous variables over a sequence or time.

Ternary Plots

A ternary plot is a triangular graph used to display the proportions of three variables that sum to a constant, typically 100%. Each point within the triangle represents a specific composition of the three components, making it useful for visualizing the relative ratios and relationships in compositional data.

Polar Charts

A polar chart is a circular graph where data points are plotted based on their angular and radial coordinates, making it suitable for displaying data with cyclical or directional patterns. It is often used to show relationships between variables in a circular layout, highlighting trends and periodicity.

Choropleth Maps

A choropleth map is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the value of a variable being represented, such as population density or income levels. It visually conveys spatial variations and patterns by using different colors or shades to represent data ranges across geographic regions.

Density Heatmaps

A density heatmap is a graphical representation that uses color gradients to depict the concentration or density of data points within a specified area. It visualizes the distribution and intensity of data, allowing for easy identification of regions with high or low densities.

Density Contour Plots

A density contour plot is a graphical representation that uses contour lines to show regions of different data point densities within a two-dimensional space. It highlights areas of high and low concentration, providing a clear visualization of the distribution and density patterns in the dataset.

3D Surface Plots

A 3D surface plot is a graphical representation that displays data points as a continuous surface in three-dimensional space, with the x, y, and z axes representing different variables. It is used to visualize the relationships between variables and the overall shape of the data, making it easy to identify patterns, peaks, and valleys.

Sunburst Charts

A sunburst chart is a radial visualization that displays hierarchical data through concentric circles, with the root node at the center and successive levels represented by rings. Selecting these rings in Akkio will break them down further. It effectively shows the proportion and relationship of each category within the hierarchy, making it easy to interpret complex structures and substructures.


A treemap is a visualization technique that displays hierarchical data as a set of nested rectangles, where each rectangle represents a branch of the hierarchy, and its area is proportional to a specified dimension of the data. It provides a compact and intuitive way to compare the relative sizes of categories and subcategories within the hierarchy.

Funnel Charts

A funnel chart is a type of visualization that represents stages in a linear process, with each stage shown as a proportionally sized segment of a funnel. It is commonly used to visualize the flow and drop-off rates in processes like sales pipelines, highlighting the reduction in data as it progresses through each stage.

Parallel Coordinates Plot

A parallel coordinates plot is a visualization technique used to represent multi-dimensional data, where each variable is plotted as a vertical axis and individual data points are connected across these axes with lines. It allows for the comparison of multiple variables simultaneously, highlighting patterns, correlations, and outliers within the dataset.

Parallel Categories Diagram

A parallel categories diagram is a visualization technique used to represent categorical data across multiple dimensions, where each category is displayed as a vertical axis, and connections between categories are shown as parallel lines. It allows for the exploration of relationships and patterns between different categorical variables, making it easier to identify trends and correlations in complex datasets.

Scatter Matrix (Splom)

A scatter matrix, or scatter plot matrix (Splom), is a grid of scatter plots used to visualize the pairwise relationships between multiple variables in a dataset. Each cell in the matrix shows a scatter plot of one variable against another, allowing for the detection of correlations, patterns, and outliers across different variable combinations.

Mapbox Maps

Mapbox maps are interactive and customizable maps that use the Mapbox platform to visualize spatial data.

Pie Charts

A pie chart is a circular graph divided into slices, where each slice represents a proportion of the whole, typically used to show percentage or proportional data. It visually compares the relative sizes of different categories, making it easy to see the distribution and contribution of each category within the dataset.

Strip Plots

A strip plot is a type of scatter plot where individual data points are plotted along a single axis, typically to display the distribution of a continuous variable across different categories. It allows for the visualization of data density and variability within each category, highlighting potential clusters and outliers.

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