Akkio works best with comma delimited, flat datasets. However, you may be able to get around this requirement with Chat Data Prep.
Semicolon Deiminated Data
Example Prompt:
Read each ; as a delimiter.
AI Interpretation:
The transform function splits a string column into multiple columns based on a delimiter. Each value in the string is separated by a semicolon (;) and is split into separate columns in the resulting dataset.
Akkio will always assume comma delimitation on upload.
The delimiter is likely the issue if all of your headers are listed as a single column header
Nested Datasets
Exapmple Prompt:
Parse the column "client" as a json array. Take the first element of the array and make new columns based on the parsed json.
AI Interpretation:
The transform function converts a column in the dataset from a string representation of a list of dictionaries to separate columns for each key-value pair in the dictionaries.
If the nested fields are consistent over rows, CDP may be used to generate a rule to unnest them into separate columns.